Getting Started

How long should I meditate?

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      "text": "Most people start meditating for 5-15 minutes and build from there. However, more important than the question “how long should you meditate” is the question “how often should you meditate?”. It's ideal if you can find time for at least one meditation session every day. In fact, if your schedule is very busy and you’re not sure how to fit meditation in, check out the Ten Percent Happier Course One Minute Counts which has both lessons and short guided meditations to try fitting meditation into your day. There are also guided mindfulness meditations for when you're walking, brushing your teeth and even putting your pants on! The trick is to find a regular spot in your day to add in mindfulness meditation, and give yourself a chance to try some more traditional meditation on days when you have 10-15 minutes to check it out.






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